Brain - Vision

Senses - Vision This work was done as a part of Summer Program at Elio Academy of Biomedical Sciences . Author : Riyaa Sri Ramanathan Sense organs turn stimuli into electrical signals through a process called transduction . These electrical messages are carried through a network of cells and fibers to specialized areas of the brain. These impulses are then processed and integrated into a seamless perception of the surroundings. V ision is one of the most complicated senses, involving many processes that work simultaneously enabling to see what is around. Vision has been studied intensively, and knowledge of how light energy is converted into electrical signals comes primarily from the studies of fruit flies, Drosophila Melanogaster and mice. Higher Level visual processing has mostly been studied in monkeys and cats. Beauty of sight, the perception of image and translating it into objects involves the process of vision. And the organ eye does it via several functions...