
Showing posts from December, 2022

Human Health and Bioinformatics

  Advanced Health Technology Complete the homework based on teachings in class & extra reading.  Refer health-bioinformatics resources for more relevant information.  Answer in the comment section below  

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

SNP Complete the homework based on teachings in class & extra reading.  Refer SNP resources for more relevant information.  Answer in the comment section below

Significance of Genomic Annotation

Genomic Annotation   Complete the homework based on Resources & extra reading.  Refer genomic-annotation resources for more relevant information.   

DNA Sequencing

Genetic Sequencing DNA sequencing refers to the general laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule. The sequence of the bases (often referred to by the first letters of their chemical names: A, T, C, and G) encodes the biological information that cells use to develop and operate.  Read more Complete the homework by adding your understanding as a comment below. Refer dna-sequencing resources for more relevant information.  Genome Gov illumina Nature Article

Significance of Multi-omics Studies

Multi-omics Multi-omics, variously called integrated omics, pan-omics, and trans-omics, aims to combine two or more omics data sets to aid in data analysis, visualization and interpretation to determine the mechanism of a biological process. Read More Complete the homework by adding your understanding as a comment below. Refer resources for more relevant information.  NHGRI multi-omics workshop Review Article  Answer in the comment section below

Alzheimer's Disease

What is Alzheimers? Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a disease where the brain loses its function of thinking, memory, and the ability to carry out the simplest of tasks in extreme conditions. It is mainly considered the disease of old age as most patients get diagnosed by age 65 or older. One of the first symptoms of AD is 'Dementia' where the brain's ability to acquire and process new information decreases with time. Dementia can range in severity from mild form(forgetting something for a few seconds or minutes) to most severe, where the person depends entirely on others for help to carry out basic tasks of everyday life. How is our body affected internally? Scientists have found that the brain goes through severe changes in AD patients. The brain shrinks from its average size and toxic material keeps building up in different brain regions. A high number of protein deposits called Amyloid plaques and Tau tangles are specifically found to be deposited in the AD brain. These...